Notes on searching
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Enter your search terms in only one or two fields. If you enter search terms in more than one field, any results you get will have to match what you entered in all of those fields. Be as accurate as possible in your spellings, Do not include any punctuation or quotation marks in your entries. If you get no results, reduce the number of fields in which you search.
Explanation of fields
- Author: enter entire name or partial name (generally surname first and given name following (no comma when searching). The order of parental names may vary, so partial names might be more productive.
- Article: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Book: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Series: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Publisher: enter name or partial name of the company or agency.
- Information: enter a word that might indicate the subject of the article (for instance, history) or a name (perhaps Villa-Lobos). Not every entry is annotated.
The following fields will appear as part of your search results, but they contain primarily abbreviations, and are not practical for quick searches. As a result, they are not currently included in the search form.
- Journal: at this time, this field is not searchable because most journal names are abbreviated. Full names are available in the Periodicals Database. In time, this field will de-coded for easy access.
- Date
- Library: list of the libraries that have the book or journal and have filed that information with OCLC (WorldCat).
wdt_ID | Author | Article | Book | Journal | Series | Publisher | Date | Page | Info | Library Info | Abbreviation |
1 | American Composers Alliance Bulletin, v1- . | New York: Amerian Composers Alliance, | -1951 | Quarterly. | ACA+ volume # | ||||||
2 | American Society of University Composers | New York: Colombia University, | 1966, 1967, 1968 1969. | Published in proceedings of annual conferences. Available from Dept. of Music, Dodge Hall, Colombia University, New York, NY, 10027. | ASUC+66, 67, 68, or 69 | ||||||
3 | [name of composer]. | [series of pamphlets about one composer] | New York: Broadcast Music, Inc., | various dates. | BMI | ||||||
4 | Ca.HMV, see HMV | ||||||||||
5 | Heterofonia, v1- , | 1968- . | Passim; bimonthly periodical. | HET+ volume # | |||||||
6 | change to MD in index | LMDS, see MD | |||||||||
7 | Nuestros músicos, | México musial, v6,n1 | (6/1930): 7-9. | NMMM | |||||||
8 | Web site: | ||||||||||
9 | Brasilianischer Komponist... | United States: Books LLC, Wiki Series, | 2011 | paperback | |||||||
10 | Adevedo, M. G. | Música argentina contemporánea. | Biblioteca del Sesquicentenario. Ediciones culturales argentinas. | Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Educación y Justica, Dirección General de Cultura. | 1963 | change index to first abbr | Ad.MAC, or MusArgCont | ||||
11 | Almeida, Renato. | Compendio de história da música brasileira. | Rio de Janeiro, BRZ: F. Briguiet e Compania, | 1958 | CHB | ||||||
12 | Altmann, Frank, Paul, & Wilhelm. | Kurzgefasstes Tonkunstler-Lexikon, 2v. | Wilhelmshaven, GER: Heinrichschofen’s Verlag, | 1974 & 1978. | Lib: MI-EYM, etc. | U of M, ML105.A47 - need to document & add. | KTL+volume # | ||||
13 | Alvarez Coral, Juan. | Compositores mexicanos: 32 biografÃas ilustradas, 1o ed. Investigación patrocinada por la Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de Música, S. de A. | Mexico: Editores Asociados M., S. A., | 1971. 4th ed, 1986. 5th ed, 1987. 6th ed. 1993. | Biographies with accurate dates, ports., bib., disc. | Llib: AZ-AZS,AZT,AZU,MCP,MSA,NSZ; CA-[many];CT-YUU; DC-DLC; FL-FDA; IL-CGP,IBE,INY,UIU; IN-IMD,IND; KS-KKU; KY-KTS; LA-LRU; MA-AUM,HMU,SNN; MI-EEM,EYP,EYW; MN-MNU; NJ-NCL; NM-IQU,NMH; NY-NYP,VDB,VYL; OH-OSU; PA-EIB,LAF,TEU; TX-HDL,IGA,IXA,RQL,SAP,TNY,TS | CM+year | ||||
14 | Amarylio de Albuquerque | Pequeñas biografÃas de grandes compositores. | São Paulo: Ricordi Brasileira, | [19--] | 132p. | ?Find pub? LACC’s GMM | |||||
15 | American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers. | ASCAP Biographical Dictionary on Composers, Authors, and Publishers, 1o ed. .- | New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., for ASCAP | 1948-. Various publishers for various editions. | Latest edition known, 1990 | AS52 | |||||
16 | American Society of University Composers. | American Society of University Composers [Membership Directory]. | New York: Columbia Univesity. | [various dates]. | AMUC+date | ||||||
17 | Anderson, E. Ruth, compiler. | Contemporary American Composers: A Biographical Dictionary. | Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., | 1976 | Includes Latin American-born composers living in the United States. | CAC | |||||
18 | Anleu DÃaz, Enrique. | História de la música en guatemala, 2nd ed. | Colección Centroamérica, v 3. | Guatemala City: TipogrfÃa Nacional, Centro de Estudios Folklóricos, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, | 1986 | CA-CRU, JQF; CT-YUS; DC-DLC; FL-DZM, FQG; KS-KKU; LA-LRU; MA-HMU; PA-PIT; TX-IXA. | HMG | ||||
19 | Anleu DÃaz, Enrique.. | História de la música en Guatemala, 2o ed. | Colección Centroamérica (Guatemala), v3. | Guatemala City: Tip. Nacional, for Centro de Estudios Folklóricos, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, | 1986 | lx, 199p. | 19 OCLC holdings. CA-CRU, CUY; CT-YUS; DC-DLC; FL-DZM, FMM; MA-HMU; MI-HATHI; MO-MUU; KS-KKU; PA-PiT; TX-IXA. EU-BLX, CLD, NLS. Germany-2. | check date | HMG50 | ||
20 | Appleby, David Percy. | “A Study of Selected Compositions by Contemporary Brazilian Composers.†| Ph. D. dissertation, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN), | 1956. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Univ. Microfilms International, 1986. | Lib: AZ-AZS; IL-IBZ; MD-JHP; NY-CUNY Graduate Center; TX-INT. | SCB | |||||
21 | Argueta, Mario. | Diccionario de músicos, compositores, cantantes y conjuntos hondureños. | Collección Letras hondureñas. | Tegucigalpa: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Editorial Universitaria, | 2004 | CA-CLU, CRU, CUS, STF; CT-YUS; DC-DLC; FL-FUG; KS-KKU; MA-HMU; NC-NDD; NY-COO; PA- PAU, PIT; TX-IXA. ON-CNMUL; Puerto Rico-PIF. France - BnF. Australia-HE1. | |||||
22 | Arizaga, Rudolfo. | Enciclopedia de la música argentina, 1st ed. | Buenos Aires, ARG: Fondo Nacional de las Artes, | 1971 | 371p. | 82 holdings. Germany-BSB. Spain-Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo Biblioteca (AECID) , UCM. | EMA | ||||
23 | Arnitzenius, L. M. G., et al, eds. | Encyclopedie van de Muziek, 2v. | Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, | 1956 & 1957. | V1 covers A-H, and v2 covers I-Z; includes names of composers’ teachers, lists works by genre; text in Dutch. | ||||||
24 | Astudillo Ortega, José MarÃa. | Dedos y labios opolineos. | Cuenca, ECU: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Nucleo del Azuay, | 1956 | Biographies are short, but unavailable elsewhere. | No holdings in the United States. | DLA | ||||
25 | Auza León, Atiliano. | História de la música boliviana. | Sucre, BOL: Talleres Gráficos “Tupac Katari,†for Atiliano Auza León, | 1982 | First general history of Bolivian music; paperback, 212p, bib., illus., music. | 81 holdings, including DC-DLC; IL-INU; MI-EEM; PA-PIT. | HMBol | ||||
26 | Auza León, Atiliano. | Simbiosis cultural de la música bollivia. | La Paz, BOL: CIMA Producciones, | 1989 | Covers 20th C; no index; chapters on composers, performers, and scholars. | Lib: MI-EEM, EYM; etc. | ?check title? & pub co; MI-EEM, [ML239.B61,A947,1989] MI-EYM. | SCMB | |||
27 | Auza Léon, Atiliano. | Historia de la música boliviana. Enciclopedia boliviana, 2o ed. | La Paz, BOL: Editorial Los Amigos del Libro, Werner Guttentag, | 1985 | 222p, ill., bib; good coverage of 20th C. | Lib: DC-DLC; MI-EEM; etc. | make abbr | ? | |||
28 | Azevedo, Luiz Heitor Correa de. | Brief History of Music in Brazil. | Music Series, n16. | Washington, DC: Pan American Union, | 1948 | Detailed info about composers, works, & bib. | MHB | ||||
29 | Baker, Theodore, ed. | Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, several editions. | Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. | New York: G. Schirmer, | 1956, 1958, 1966, 1971, 1971ad, 1984, and 1992. | BB+56, 66, 71, etc. | |||||
30 | Barbacci, Rodolfo, | Apuntes para un diccionario biográfico musical peruano, | Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional [Lima, PERU], v6 | 1949 | DBMPeru | ||||||
31 | Barbacci, Rodolfo. | Apuntes para un diccionario biográfico musical peruano, | Fénix [Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional], v6, | Lima, Peru: Biblioteca Nacional, | 1949 | ADBM | |||||
32 | Barbosa, Corrêa. | O ciclo do ouro, o tempo e a música do barroco católico: catálogo de um arquivo de microfilmes, elementos para uma história da arte no brasil. | Rio de Janeiro, BRZ: PUC, Xerox, | 1978 | MBCB | ||||||
33 | Basso, Alberto, Dir. | Dizionario Enciclopedico Universale della Musica e dei Musicisti: Appendice. | Torino, Italy: Unione Tipofravico-Editrice Torinese (UTET), | 1990 | DEUMM | ||||||
34 | Bckhausen, Nelly, & Axel Kjerulf, eds. | Musikkens Hvem Hvad Hvor, 3v. | Copenhagen, DEN: Politkens Forlag, | 1950 | Danish text; v1 is a chronolgy; v’s 2 P& 3 are musicans active after 1900; biographies, lists of seleted works with dates & ports. | HHH | |||||
35 | Bendahán, Daniel | Siete músicos venezolanos. | Caracas: Depto. de Relaciones Públicas de Logoven. | 1990 | Short biographies of Venezuelan musians: Pedro ElÃas Gutiéres, Andrés Delgado Pardo, Angel Mottola, JoaquÃn Silva DÃaz, Vicente Martucci, Primo Casale, & Pedro Antonio RÃos Rayna; bib., index. | SMV | |||||
36 | Bispo, Antonio Alexandre. | Die katolische Kirchenmusik in de Provinz São Paulo zur Zeit des brasilianischen Kaiserreiches, 1822-1889. | Regensburg, GER: Gustav Bosse Verlg, | 1980 | Music supplement contains information and scores of Masses by E. Alvares Lobo, & Tristão Mariano da Costa. | KK | |||||
37 | Blom, Eric, ed. | Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 5th ed., 9v. | London, UK: MacMillan & Co., Ltd, | 1954 | GMM | ||||||
38 | Blom, Eric, ed. | New Grove Dictionary of Music, | London, UK: MacMillan & Co., Ltd, | 1961 | GMMN, was NGDM | ||||||
39 | Blom, Eric, ed. | [Supplement to the 5th edition of] Grove ‘s Dictionary of Music and Musicians, | London, UK: MacMillan & Co., Ltd, | 1961 | Addenda and corrigenda. | get date | GMMad | ||||
40 | Blume, Friedrich, ed. | Dir Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 20v. | Kassel, GER: Bärenreiter-Verlag, | 1949-1962. | German text encyclopedia. | MGG+ volume # | |||||
41 | Boelzner, Gordon, 7 John Edmunds, eds. | Some Twentieth Century American Composers: A Selective Bibliography, 2v. | New York: The New York Public Library, | 1959, 1960. | TCAC | ||||||
42 | Boetter, Juan Max. | Música y músicos del paraguay. | Asunción: Edición de Autores Paraguayos Asociados, | [1956?]. Microfilm (1 reel), Austin, TX: General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin, 1996. | Ill., map, diagrams, facs, bio index; 294p. | Lib: AL-ABC; AZ-AZU; CA-CCO, CDS, CLA, CLU, CRU, CSL, CUT, CUY, RQA; CT-RQP, YUS; DC-DGW, LNN; FL-FDA, FUG; IL-CGP, RQR, UIU; IN-IUL, RQQ; KS-KKU; LA-LRU; MA-HMU; MI-EYW; MO-WTU; NC-NDD, NOC; NM-IQU; NY-COO, NAM, XQM; OH-CLE, MIA; TX-IXA, RQL, TNY, TXH; | MMP | ||||
43 | Brasil. Ministerio das Relações Exteriores. | Compositores brasileiras. | Rio de Janeiro, BRZ: Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Departamento de Cooperação Cultural Cientifica e Tecnologica, | 1976-1979. | Catalogs for thirty 20th century Brazilian composers. | CompBrz | |||||
44 | Bull, Storm Hagerup, ed. | Musikkens Verden, 2nd ed,, revised and enlarged. | Oslo, Norway: Musikkens Verden A/S, Forlag, | nd | get date? | VER | |||||
45 | Bull, Storm. | Index to Biogrphies of Contemporary Composers [v1]. | New York: Scarecrow Press Inc., | 1964 | IBCC | ||||||
46 | Bull, Storm. | Index to Biogrphies of Contemporary Composers, v3. | New York: Scarecrow Press Inc., | 1987 | ? IBCC2? | IBCC3 | |||||
47 | Bustillos Vallejo, Freddy. | Composición musical den Bolivia, La. | La Paz, Bolivia: Museo Nacional de EtnografÃa y Folklore, | 1989 | 107 very brief biographies of Bolivian composers, with bib refs. | CMB | |||||
48 | C. F. Peters Corp. | Orchestra Music, and Chorus with Orchestra. | New York: C. F. Peters Corp, | ca 1963. | Two separate catalogues for short and longer works published by Peters Corp. | PET | |||||
49 | Cacciatore, Olga Gudolle. | Dicionário biográfico de música erudita brasileira: compositores, instrumentistas e regentes, membros da ABM (inclusive musicólogos e patronos). Apresentação de Riardo Tacuchian. | Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, | 2005 | 536 p, bib.; includes influential foreign-born artists, and younger musicians. | ||||||
50 | Callejo, Fernando. | Música y músicos puertorriqueños. | San Juan, PR: Editorial CoquÃ, | 1971 | MMPR |
Library Info: