Latin American Choral Music

Recording Companies Search


  • Use the filter fields above the table to filter for particular results. The filters are an AND search.
    Example: If you enter Mexico in the Country filter and Martinez in the Composer filter, you will see results for all records from Mexico where the composer’s name contains Martinez.
  • As you type in any of the filter boxes, the results table will automatically update and show you matching records. You don’t have to click any search button.
  • To view all detail for a particular record, simply click on it. This will open a pop-up window that shows all information for that entry.
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Notes on searching

This search will not correct for spelling errors.

Enter your search terms in only one or two fields. If you enter search terms in more than one field, any results you get will have to match what you entered in all of those fields. Be as accurate as possible in your spellings, Do not include any punctuation or quotation marks in your entries. If you get no results, reduce the number of fields in which you search.

Explanation of fields
  • Company: name or partial name of the recording company.
  • City and State: enter the city, state, or province where the company is located. (use postal abbreviations if in the USA).
  • Country: enter the name of a country, or part of the name; or enter USA.
  • Information: though not every entry is annotated in this field, it could contain information about whether or not it is owned or distributed by another corporation, or is a distributor of other labels; so a search word could be the name of another company, the word distributor, distribute, or the word own. The field sometimes contains information about the history of the label or company.

The following fields will appear as part of your search results, however they are not currently included in the search form.

  • Street
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  • E-Mail


Recording Companies

wdt_ID Company Street City, State Country Zip Phone Info
1 Seminários de Música Pró-Arte R. Alice, 462 Laranjeiras 22241-020 - Rio de Janeiro RJ BRAZIL
2 Pró-Música de Juiz de Forza Av. Rio Branco, 2.329 Centro 36010-011 - Juiz de Fora MG BRAZIL 1992
3 Orpheus C.P. 4063 20001-970 Rio de Janeiro RJ BRAZIL
4 Melopea Discos Mariano Acha 3037 C1430 DVI, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Argentina 54-11-4541-6156; fax same or address: Jean Jaures 444 (1215), Buenos Aires)
5 Fundação Cultural de Curitiba / Estudio Vox Vagans Praça Garibaldi 7 80410-250 Curitiba PR BRAZIL
6 Claves Records Trüelveg 14 3600 Thun SWITZERLAND active 1995
7 Ambiente Music Productions, Inc. Los Angeles, CA USA head is Philip Sonnichsen, interested in Mexican music
8 Angel: a c/ Emi-Odeon, Indústrias Elétricas e Musicais Av. Rio Brancao, 277,4.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brazil Also Odéon; part of the EMI Group; a discography is available at .
9 Qualiton Imports, Ltd. 24-02 40th Avenue Long Island City, NY USA 11101
10 ASC-Academia Santa Cecília de Discos, Ltda Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL
11 Capital Records USA part of Universal Music Group
12 CBD-Companhia Brasileira de Discos (Phonogram) Av. Rio Branco, 311, 4.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL
13 CBS-Discos, Indústria e Comércio Av. Rio Branco, 277, 4.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL
14 Chantecler (Gravações Cantecler Ltda.) Rua Aurora, 974 01-209 São Paulo (SP) BRAZIL
15 Clio Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL releases 1985-
16 Colón Discos S.R.L. Treinta Tres Orientales 955/57 1236 Buenos Aires ARGENTINA
17 Columbia - CBA - Gravaões Av. Visconde do Rio Branco, 53 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL
18 Continental (Gravadora Continental) Rua Pedro Lessa, 35, 7.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL Not the same as the company in New York. Labels: Continental (1943), Chantecler (1958), Phonodisc, Musicolor, and Gravasom. Alternate location: São Paulo, Brazil.
19 Disques du Solstice 147, rue de Bercy 75012 Paris - (1) 345.64.81 FRANCE Classical music label.
20 Eldorado Latin American Center, University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles, California USA 90024 213-825-4572 There may be no way to obtain the LPs made by this company.
21 Fermata do Brasil Ltda. Rua do Triunfo, 177 São Paulo (SP) BRAZIL Parent company Fermata Indústria Fonográfica Ltda.
22 Festa: a c/ CBD - Phonogram Av. Rio Branco, 311, 4.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL 1969, lp
23 Fonobrás, Luxo series Gabinal 1521, Parte, Freguesia Jacarepagua Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL LPC-011 (works by Luigi Irlandini)
24 Heller's Records & Tapes Kensington Ave. Philadelpia, PA USA
25 Joe Thomas Records Moscu 44-4 Guadalajara, Mexico MEXICO LA Mex
26 Louisville Symphony Orchestra Louisville, KY USA
27 MEC - Ministério da Educação e Cultura Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco 70.000 Brasília - DF Brazil
28 MIS - Museu da Imagem e do Som Praça Marechal ~Ancora, 1 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brazil
29 Musical Heritage Society New York USA 1978, 1966
30 Odyssey Records an imprint of Sony Masterworks; founded by Columbia Masterworks Records, 1966.
31 RCA Victor Rua Barata Ribeiro, 131 (Sobreloja) 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brazil
32 Record Museum Cottman Ave Philadelphia, PA USA
33 RGE - Discos REG Ltda. Caiza Plstal 8795 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brazil
34 Ricordi SRE Rua Conselheiro Nébias, 1136 01.203 - São Paulo (SP) Brazil
35 Rudi Sazunic Records Virrey Liniers 577 Buenos Aires, Argentina ARGENTINA LA Arg
36 Sinter - a c/ CBD Phonogram Av. Rio Branco, 311, 4.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brazil
37 Tapecar Gravações SA Rua Aguiar Moreira, 639 (Bonsucesso ) 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brazil began by making tapes for larger companies like CBS, Odeon and Phonogran. Sublabel is Tapecar; distributor for US companies such as Motown
38 Technical Unit on the Performing Arts, Organization of American States 1889 F Street, NW, Room 556. Washington, D.C., USA 20006 Series: Interamerican Music Education (about 10 albums, beginning in 1984).
39 Theodore Front Music Center 155 N. San Vicente Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA USA 90211
40 Universidad de Chile CHILE
41 Vanguard (a c/ Discos Copacabana) Rua dos Gusmões, 235 São Paulo (SP) BRAZIL BRAZIL active 1977
42 Victor BRAZIL?
43 Vox Records USA
44 Kuarup Produções LTDA. CGC 29521 986/0001-27 Rua México, 3/2º - CEP 20031-144 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ Tel. (021) 220 1623 Fax (021) 220 0494 E-mail: BRZ closed in 2009; Villa-Lobos and other Classical comps, mostly insrumental music.
45 K617> 37, Rue des Chenêts BP 30042 57057 Longeville les Metz Cedex 02. FRANCE tel/fax (33) 03-87-324389 Alain Pacquier, dir. of Chemins du Baroque series
46 Harmonia Mundi 2037 Granville Ave. Los Angeles, CA USA 90025 310-478-1311
47 Allegro Corp. 14134 NE Airport Way Portland, OR USA 97230-3443 800-288-2007; labels: Iago, Urtext, Symphonia
48 Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province. PO Box 6099, Techny, IL USA 60082-6099
49 Music and More ARGENTINA CD retailer in ARG-
50 Phonodisc Luxo Brazil Popular music label of the Continental label ; active 1976 - #0-33-404-007, p1976, 33 1/3. IL-INU (S224250).